Friday, June 27, 2014

The Hero We Find

The journey
may not always
make sense
But we still
must travel it
We will never know
how much strength
we carry
Until the day comes
when we must wield it
We'll wield it against
our dragons
our darkness
And when we walk
alone in the shadows
we must be brave
Brave enough 
to see
to realize
That all the darkness
that we face
is only here to teach us
just how blissful
the light will be
Because when we reach
that light
we will feel 
its warmth
its grace
We'll see that the light
has always been there
inside us
Waiting to be discovered
And the darkness will fade
and we'll know
just how strong
we truly are
And we'll find
that the only hero
we've ever needed 
has always been 

-June 2014


  1. nice poem; we do need to trust our instincts

    Happy Holidays

    much love...

    1. Thank you, Gillena! Happy Holidays to you as well :)

  2. I think we can never wait for heroes to find the path for us.. we have to do it ourselves-

  3. I love the message in this poem, Torie - and that you already know this at a young age. "the only hero we've ever needed has always been ourselves". Bravo. I love it!

  4. Oh and a very Merry Christmas and New Year to you!

  5. This is just beautiful! I love its message....and I like the way the poem builds and builds to make its point. And yes, the light is inside each of us. And yes, each of us IS strong. And yes, the only hero we need is ourselves. This poem is empowering and strong! One of my favorites today. Thank you!!

    1. Awww, thank you so much Mary for your really kind words!! I've really enjoyed your comments since I've joined PU. I look forward to being a part of this community in the new year :) I wrote this one right before I joined PU and I've never shared it with PU, so I thought it was a nice way to end this year's pantry :)

  6. Excellent! The uses of darkness, the availability of Light. This matches my experience!

    1. Nice!! Maybe you would find it interesting then to check out the movie/documentary "Finding Joe"!! It talks about the hero's journey! If you decide to watch it, then I hope you enjoy it :)

  7. Optimistic, upbeat poem! Resonates...~ Happy Holidays! x
