Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I Listen Outside

Is there nothing here
in this dawn
I listen outside
as the rain drips on
and on and on
Like the birds
that flap 
their wings
I listen outside
just to hear
their voices sing
Some are gone
taking cover
beneath a leaf
While others dance
and I breathe in
the relief
I listen outside
as the rain
drips free
I have many things
left to discover
inside of me

-December 2014

I wrote this for Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Music

Friday, December 12, 2014

Multiplying Promises

Do you ever 
close your eyes
long enough 
to dream
you know,
this awful world
isn't as awful
as it seems
Each time I think
you've learned
from your
There you go
multiplying promises
until the last one
I watch
the pieces shatter
and splinter
in my bones
and all the words
that you say
don't mean

-December 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014

Every Single Time

You keep
my heart beating
with just your 
I haven't discovered
all there is 
to discover
about you, yet
but I'm on
my way
and I promise you
that I'll always
want to know more
your face
and how you
can calm me
with your warm
Oh, yes
it's true
I do 
love you
and when you put
your hand in mine
I'm grateful
that I've found you
every single

-December 2014